So to get straight into it I have the Raspberry Pi 4B and concurrently run it stably at
But I want to go further messed around a little bit with Sub-Zero but the big issue is the limit on the voltage over_voltage=14 is the max you can set and that result as an output voltage of just 1.1v but need more than that have a couple options I think
First is I have a evc2 if I can get to the I2C of the MXL7704-R4 could possibly get a higher output voltage but need to know where to get at those pins ideally also not too difficult to solder onto
Next would be cutting off voltage from the PMIC entirely and externally feeding it voltage but I feel like that's probably going to be too difficult
Other than those I'm not sure if there's some way to do it through software to get higher over_voltage or use the internal i2c of the pi or some other work around so if anyone has any thoughts experience or ideas on how to give it More Voltage be much appreciated also extra if there's any way of memory overclocking at all editing timings or frequency or somehow changing the base clock of the board would also be interested in
But I want to go further messed around a little bit with Sub-Zero but the big issue is the limit on the voltage over_voltage=14 is the max you can set and that result as an output voltage of just 1.1v but need more than that have a couple options I think
First is I have a evc2 if I can get to the I2C of the MXL7704-R4 could possibly get a higher output voltage but need to know where to get at those pins ideally also not too difficult to solder onto
Next would be cutting off voltage from the PMIC entirely and externally feeding it voltage but I feel like that's probably going to be too difficult
Other than those I'm not sure if there's some way to do it through software to get higher over_voltage or use the internal i2c of the pi or some other work around so if anyone has any thoughts experience or ideas on how to give it More Voltage be much appreciated also extra if there's any way of memory overclocking at all editing timings or frequency or somehow changing the base clock of the board would also be interested in
Statistics: Posted by profile_name_1 — Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:22 am — Replies 0 — Views 66