I've been using some old Pi4's and a Zero to for internal house temperature monitoring into Influx/Grafana and all works great. I now want to venture into the camera word and install something outside my garage and wondered what you guys use?
I'd have to use a battery power bank I think, but is Pi Zero good enough for this job? I guess I'm after recommendations for housing, power and which camera.
It would be good to store footage and recognise humans/motion I see there is an AI camera and setup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFfTV4U ... YEngineers
I have Ring cameras, but this sounds like more more fun. I'd love to put one in the garden for the wildlife and power by a solar panel if possible, but it's making things waterproof.
Anyway any suggestions would be great.
I've been using some old Pi4's and a Zero to for internal house temperature monitoring into Influx/Grafana and all works great. I now want to venture into the camera word and install something outside my garage and wondered what you guys use?
I'd have to use a battery power bank I think, but is Pi Zero good enough for this job? I guess I'm after recommendations for housing, power and which camera.
It would be good to store footage and recognise humans/motion I see there is an AI camera and setup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFfTV4U ... YEngineers
I have Ring cameras, but this sounds like more more fun. I'd love to put one in the garden for the wildlife and power by a solar panel if possible, but it's making things waterproof.
Anyway any suggestions would be great.
Statistics: Posted by g0nz0uk — Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:25 pm — Replies 0 — Views 15