I am writing a new version of my digital media frame code for the pi4 (Raspbian 12) using gtk4. You can download the code and test it out with the following commands:
Code: Select all
So I am getting the following error after the first video plays:
No provider of glGetTexImage found. Requires one of:
Desktop OpenGL 1.0
Images seem to work fine.... it's just the video to image transition that is giving errors. What is really frustrating is that this code works just fine on my Ubuntu desktop. The renderer class for mpv I got from https://github.com/trin94/python-mpv-gtk4 . Any help would be highly appreciated.
Code: Select all
git clone https://github.com/najoshi/nik-presents.gitpython3 nik-presents/pi4/nik_presents_pi4.py --jsonfile nik-presents/pi4/test/test.json --mediadir nik-presents/pi4/test --duration 3 --verbose
No provider of glGetTexImage found. Requires one of:
Desktop OpenGL 1.0
Images seem to work fine.... it's just the video to image transition that is giving errors. What is really frustrating is that this code works just fine on my Ubuntu desktop. The renderer class for mpv I got from https://github.com/trin94/python-mpv-gtk4 . Any help would be highly appreciated.
Statistics: Posted by sandman_artlover — Sun Dec 29, 2024 12:12 am — Replies 0 — Views 19