I have set up a connection between a sensor and a RPI zero 2 W with GPIO 14 and 15
Here is the spec sheet of the sensor.
This is the basic script I tried:
and it returns an empty byte stringIn the end I don't know if the sensor is working or the communication is working. Is there anyway to troubleshoot what is going on?
Thanks in advance
I have set up a connection between a sensor and a RPI zero 2 W with GPIO 14 and 15
Here is the spec sheet of the sensor.
This is the basic script I tried:
import serialser=serial.Serial(port='/dev/serial0', baudrate=9600, timeout=1, parity= serial.PARITY_NONE)ser.flushInput()ser.flushOutput()ser.write(bytearray([0xD1]) # get information instructionser.read(9)
Thanks in advance
Statistics: Posted by Boorhin — Tue Oct 29, 2024 6:02 pm — Replies 2 — Views 43