I wish to run pico-env.cmd on Windows Start-up to set up development environment for my Raspberry Pi Pico to use along with Visual Studio Code.
I've configured this in Task Scheduler to run at startup as administrator.
The task is running but environment variables are not being set.
Note: The script was provided by SDK installer. I'm the only user in Windows.
I've configured this in Task Scheduler to run at startup as administrator.
The task is running but environment variables are not being set.
Note: The script was provided by SDK installer. I'm the only user in Windows.
@if not defined _echo echo offset errors=0goto main:AddToPath if exist "%~1" ( set "PATH=%~1;%PATH%" ) goto :EOF:VerifyExe echo Checking %1... cmd /c %2 >NUL 2>NUL if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo ERROR: %1 is required but was not found. set /a errors += 1 ) goto :EOF:SetEnvFromRegistry rem https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22352793/reading-a-registry-value-to-a-batch-variable-handling-spaces-in-value for /f "usebackq tokens=2,*" %%h in ( `"reg query "HKCU\%PICO_REG_KEY%" /v "%1Path" 2>NUL | find /i "%1Path""` ) do ( echo PICO_%1_PATH=%%i set "PICO_%1_PATH=%%i" ) goto :EOF:mainpushd "%~dp0"for /f "skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (version.ini) do ( echo %%i set "%%i")popdif not defined PICO_SDK_VERSION ( echo ERROR: Unable to determine Pico SDK version. set /a errors += 1)if "%~1" neq "" ( reg add "HKCU\%PICO_REG_KEY%" /v ReposPath /d "%~1" /f)set "PICO_SDK_PATH=%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\pico-sdk"call :SetEnvFromRegistry reposfor %%i in (examples extras playground) do ( rem Environment variables in Windows aren't case-sensitive, so we don't need rem to bother with uppercasing the env var name. if exist "%PICO_REPOS_PATH%\pico-%%i" ( echo PICO_%%i_PATH=%PICO_REPOS_PATH%\pico-%%i set "PICO_%%i_PATH=%PICO_REPOS_PATH%\pico-%%i" ))if exist "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\openocd" ( echo OPENOCD_SCRIPTS=%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\openocd\scripts set "OPENOCD_SCRIPTS=%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\openocd\scripts" set "PATH=%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\openocd;%PATH%")rem Set the CMake generator explicitlyset CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninjarem GDB warns about being unable to determine a path for the index cacherem directory if we do not set this.set "HOME=%USERPROFILE%"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\cmake\bin"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\ninja"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\python"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\git\cmd"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\pico-sdk-tools"call :AddToPath "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\picotool"call :VerifyExe "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" "arm-none-eabi-gcc --version"call :VerifyExe "CMake" "cmake --version"call :VerifyExe "Ninja" "ninja --version"call :VerifyExe "Python 3" "python --version"call :VerifyExe "Git" "git --version"rem We need Visual Studio Build Tools to compile pioasm and elf2uf2, but onlyrem if we do not have pre-compiled versions available.if not exist "%PICO_INSTALL_PATH%\pico-sdk-tools" ( call :AddToPath "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer" call :AddToPath "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer" rem https://github.com/microsoft/vswhere/wiki/Start-Developer-Command-Prompt for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`vswhere.exe -products * -requires "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64" -latest -property installationPath`) do ( if exist "%%i\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" ( call "%%i\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" ) ) call :VerifyExe "Visual Studio" "cl")exit /b %errors%
Statistics: Posted by Dark Sorrow — Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:36 pm — Replies 0 — Views 35