A few years ago I made a security camera to moniter my house while away, using a Pi Zero w and Pi camera running Motioneye, I could access motioneye on my local network through a browser, and on my phone with DDNS and port forwarding, it has worked well but the video quality is not that good and the frame rate is slow, so I thought it was time for an upgrade.
I ordered a Pi 3B+ and camera module V3
Thats when the problems started, being a novice user, I hoped that I could just install the latest software (Bookworm 64 bit), Motioneye, mount the camera and alter port forwarding to the new Pi 3, but Motioneye does not work with the V3 camera.
I have searched for a solution to get Motioneye to work with the V3 camera, but none have worked, also I have not found a replacement for Motioneye
Does anyone know how to get Motioneye working or similar software that I could use
A few years ago I made a security camera to moniter my house while away, using a Pi Zero w and Pi camera running Motioneye, I could access motioneye on my local network through a browser, and on my phone with DDNS and port forwarding, it has worked well but the video quality is not that good and the frame rate is slow, so I thought it was time for an upgrade.
I ordered a Pi 3B+ and camera module V3
Thats when the problems started, being a novice user, I hoped that I could just install the latest software (Bookworm 64 bit), Motioneye, mount the camera and alter port forwarding to the new Pi 3, but Motioneye does not work with the V3 camera.
I have searched for a solution to get Motioneye to work with the V3 camera, but none have worked, also I have not found a replacement for Motioneye
Does anyone know how to get Motioneye working or similar software that I could use
Statistics: Posted by bob60 — Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:13 pm — Replies 0 — Views 17