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Troubleshooting • Screen turning itself back on after using cec-client to turn it off

Hello all. I am building a smart mirror and one of the requirements is that the display turns on very quickly but is otherwise off. To accomplish this, I have connected my RPI4 (4GB) to the monitor via HDMI and I have a small script that allows me to turn it off and on via `cec-client`. This works flawlessly (code is below).

Unfortunately, there is a random issue: specifically when the system has been left alone for a bit, it will randomly turn the screen back on.

I don't know why. Here are the clues:
  • When the screen turns itself back on, the (chromium) browser window is no longer open in full screen
  • When the screen turns itself back on, the mouse cursor is positioned directly in the center of the display
  • This behavior only seems to happen after it has been left alone for a while
  • It does not turn itself back on if I set the screen to standby using the remote rather than the `cec-client` command, but I can still turn it on via the command
Troubleshooting steps I've tried:
  • Disabling screen blanking by adding `xset s off`, `xset -dpms`, and `xset s noblank` in the `/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart` file.
  • Disabling screen blanking in the GUI display config
My suspicion is that some part of the RPI/monitor system is being "smarter than it should be". For example, the script turns off the display via cec, but then, at a random interval, another part of the RPI system asks itself "hey, am I still displaying properly" and then this sends some sort of display update or something which the monitor interprets as a "wake" command.

So in general, does anyone know what's going on here? My primary two goals are:
  • Make the screen stay off and disable any chance at waking when it shouldn't be on
  • Have the graphics be in the same state (fullscreen, mouse position, etc) when it turns on
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my code for the cec-control (via mqtt) if it is relevant:


import paho.mqtt.client as mqttimport subprocessimport timeimport os# MQTT ConfigurationMQTT_BROKER = "my-mqtt-broker"MQTT_PORT = 1883MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "smartmirror/command"# CEC ConfigurationCEC_DEVICE_ADDRESS = ""# Function to initialize CEC connectiondef initialize_cec_connection():    try:        print("Initializing CEC connection...")        cec_process = subprocess.Popen(            ['cec-client', '-d', '1'],            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,            text=True        )        # Sleep to give cec-client some time to initialize        time.sleep(2)        return cec_process    except Exception as e:        print(f"Error initializing CEC connection: {e}")        return None# Function to send power command via CECdef send_cec_command(cec_process, command):    if cec_process:        try:            if command.lower() == "on":                cec_process.stdin.write(f'on {CEC_DEVICE_ADDRESS}\n')            elif command.lower() == "off":                cec_process.stdin.write(f'standby {CEC_DEVICE_ADDRESS}\n')            else:                print(f"Unknown command received: {command}")                return                        cec_process.stdin.flush()            print(f"Sent command: {command}")        except Exception as e:            print(f"Error sending CEC command '{command}': {e}")# MQTT Callbacksdef on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):    print(f"Connected to MQTT Broker with result code {rc}")    client.subscribe(MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC)def on_message(client, userdata, msg):    command = msg.payload.decode()    print(f"Received MQTT message: {command}")    send_cec_command(userdata['cec_process'], command)# Main functiondef main():    # Initialize CEC connection    cec_process = initialize_cec_connection()    if not cec_process:        print("Failed to initialize CEC connection. Exiting.")        return    # Initialize MQTT client    client = mqtt.Client(userdata={'cec_process': cec_process})    client.on_connect = on_connect    client.on_message = on_message    print("Connecting to MQTT broker...")    client.connect(MQTT_BROKER, MQTT_PORT, 60)    try:        print("Starting MQTT loop...")        client.loop_forever()    except KeyboardInterrupt:        print("Script interrupted by user.")    finally:        print("Disconnecting MQTT client...")        client.disconnect()        if cec_process:            print("Terminating CEC process...")            cec_process.stdin.close()            cec_process.terminate()            cec_process.wait()            print("CEC process terminated.")if __name__ == "__main__":    print("Starting CEC MQTT Control Script...")    main()

Statistics: Posted by Marmoset_Threat — Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:17 pm — Replies 2 — Views 50

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