So, having bought something described as a Pico W only to find that it wasn't a real Pico W, instead it contains an ESP8285 wireless chip.
I've already bought a proper board, and it fired up immediately and trouble-free, so this question is specifically about the ESP8285-based RP2040 board.
This responds to UART AT commands, and there is working demo code for UDP, TCP Client and TCP Server modes. But micropython doesn't interface to the network functions on this Espressif chip, so it can't set up an AP, for excample.
So, as a complete noob at this, I'm wondering what typical applications this board has in practice. Any suggestions?
My own interests are measurement, e.g. electricity, temperature and analysing the data and making it available as reports, or graphical displays etc.
I've already bought a proper board, and it fired up immediately and trouble-free, so this question is specifically about the ESP8285-based RP2040 board.
This responds to UART AT commands, and there is working demo code for UDP, TCP Client and TCP Server modes. But micropython doesn't interface to the network functions on this Espressif chip, so it can't set up an AP, for excample.
So, as a complete noob at this, I'm wondering what typical applications this board has in practice. Any suggestions?
My own interests are measurement, e.g. electricity, temperature and analysing the data and making it available as reports, or graphical displays etc.
Statistics: Posted by bakaman — Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:05 pm — Replies 0 — Views 10