When powering my RPI5 with the a standard power supply over USB-C it boots directly, but when I power it over 5V GPIO, the only visible reaction is the red LED turning on and staying on (no boot). When I press the power button it starts booting and working fine.
I have read the power supply requirements, and the one I'm using can deliver well more than 25W.
Not sure what the cause of this issue is, and how to solve it.
Reading the forum, there seems to be much attention on the power button, but the only similar problem I found was in this post which I'm trying to revive now.
Can it be that there is a timing requirement on how fast the power supply ramps up the voltage?
Do you know any solutions or workarounds?
I have read the power supply requirements, and the one I'm using can deliver well more than 25W.
Not sure what the cause of this issue is, and how to solve it.
Reading the forum, there seems to be much attention on the power button, but the only similar problem I found was in this post which I'm trying to revive now.
Can it be that there is a timing requirement on how fast the power supply ramps up the voltage?
Do you know any solutions or workarounds?
Statistics: Posted by huesla — Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:22 am — Replies 1 — Views 79