latest OS
Looking to replace a USB cam. PiCam2 is nice, looks great, but if I set the size to1920x1080 in Motion, I get a cropped image, definitely not what I want. If I set it to the size of the sensor - 3280x2464, I get the full lens but it's way too much image and slows the captures down.
At 2560 x 1440 it streams at 7 fps but I'm still giving up to much of the lens. I need all of it @1920x1080.
Fix for this?
latest OS
Looking to replace a USB cam. PiCam2 is nice, looks great, but if I set the size to1920x1080 in Motion, I get a cropped image, definitely not what I want. If I set it to the size of the sensor - 3280x2464, I get the full lens but it's way too much image and slows the captures down.
At 2560 x 1440 it streams at 7 fps but I'm still giving up to much of the lens. I need all of it @1920x1080.
Fix for this?
Statistics: Posted by squirreltown — Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:44 am — Replies 0 — Views 19