I saw an idea to add an LCD to my OpenSprinkler Pi. I started following the plans from Stanoba on GitHub but found his code didn't work; there were changes to both the OpenSprinkler's firmware, as well as changes in Python that invalidated the code from seven years ago. Another Github user, Sirkus7, revised the script and created a revised script that kept itself alive by connecting to an MQTT broker. Sadly, both of his scripts also didn't keep up with changes within Python and its MQTT module. I had to totally rewrite the script on my own, despite not being an experienced Python programmer. I forked Sirkusy7's code and it can be seen on my GitHub page. I also made my own case, with it being on Thingiverse as well as linked on my GitHub.
That last paragraph was more of a setup/background on the issue that I came here for. I'm not sure WHAT is the source of my issue but thought maybe someone on the Raspberry Pi group may recognize an issue with my problem. On the OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi), it uses nearly any Model B Raspberry Pi, I'm using an RPi 2, and connects via the GPIO pins. The OSPi board takes in a 24VAC power in and converts some of that to 5VDC to power the Raspberry Pi. All of the GPIO pins from the PI are routed to another block on the OSPi board so you can tap into it for added features. For my 2004a LCD, it needs SDA, SCL, 5VDC, and GND, so I connect the display using GPIO pins 3, 5, 4, & 6. I was advised to remove a couple of pull-up resistors from the LCD controller board, so I d did. All works great and functions as expected... for about a day or two. After a couple of days, I see the display is showing gibberish. I can log into the Pi and everything with the Pi and OpenSprinkler remain functioning exactly as it is supposed to. Rebooting the Pi does not clear up the display. The only way to fix it is to remove the power for about a minute and plug it back in. Once this is accomplished, the screen functions as it should for another day or two. Has anyone ever used one of these displays and seen similar gibberish that requires a complete power-cycle to fix? Any way to prevent such gibberish from occurring in the first place?
That last paragraph was more of a setup/background on the issue that I came here for. I'm not sure WHAT is the source of my issue but thought maybe someone on the Raspberry Pi group may recognize an issue with my problem. On the OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi), it uses nearly any Model B Raspberry Pi, I'm using an RPi 2, and connects via the GPIO pins. The OSPi board takes in a 24VAC power in and converts some of that to 5VDC to power the Raspberry Pi. All of the GPIO pins from the PI are routed to another block on the OSPi board so you can tap into it for added features. For my 2004a LCD, it needs SDA, SCL, 5VDC, and GND, so I connect the display using GPIO pins 3, 5, 4, & 6. I was advised to remove a couple of pull-up resistors from the LCD controller board, so I d did. All works great and functions as expected... for about a day or two. After a couple of days, I see the display is showing gibberish. I can log into the Pi and everything with the Pi and OpenSprinkler remain functioning exactly as it is supposed to. Rebooting the Pi does not clear up the display. The only way to fix it is to remove the power for about a minute and plug it back in. Once this is accomplished, the screen functions as it should for another day or two. Has anyone ever used one of these displays and seen similar gibberish that requires a complete power-cycle to fix? Any way to prevent such gibberish from occurring in the first place?
Statistics: Posted by RonRN18 — Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:12 pm — Replies 0 — Views 94