I've connected my RPi4 to a UHD TV and made some changes, adding another user and setting the login prompt to appear after starting up.
I am now left with a black screen and a mouse pointer, but no login prompt.
I did see the login prompt correctly once, but it seems it's unreliable and I just get the black screen.
I've read several posts, but have not come across a simple fix specifically associated with this problem.
Hoping someone can help.
I am now left with a black screen and a mouse pointer, but no login prompt.
I did see the login prompt correctly once, but it seems it's unreliable and I just get the black screen.
I've read several posts, but have not come across a simple fix specifically associated with this problem.
Hoping someone can help.
Statistics: Posted by NeilsOnWheels — Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:04 am — Replies 1 — Views 73